Stealth Cam STC-I850 Sniper-PRO User Manual
Page 30

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the video clip or while it is in thumbnail view.
Press [OK] button to enter the DELETE & FORMAT menu.
Using the [UP] and [DN] buttons to select the desired function.
No Delete (NO-dL), Delete one (d-ONE), Delete ALL (d-ALL),
Press [OK] to confirm your selection.
Press [UP] or [DN] until you see (NO-dL) then press [OK]
button once and then press [MENU] to return to image viewing.
If you choose to delete one picture at a time, (d-ONE), it will
delete the picture that you selected on the thumbnail view or
the image that is on full screen.
If you choose to delete all images (d-ALL), it will delete all
images. Once images are deleted from the memory, you will
return to status screen.
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