Additional rs-232 commands – Sky-Watcher Multi-Purpose Computerized Mount User Manual

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Additional RS-232 Commands

Sending a track rate through RS-232 to the hand control

Multiply the desired tracking rate (arc seconds / second) by 4. For example: if the desired track rate is 120 arc seconds/second

(approximately 8 times of sidereal rate), then the TRACKRATE = 480.

2. Separate

TRACKRATE into two bytes, such that ( TRACKRATE = TrackRateHighByte*256 + TrackRateLowByte).

For example TRACKRATE = 480, then TrackRateHighByte = 1, TrackRateLowByte = 224.


To send a tracking rate, send the following 8 bytes:

• Positive Azm tracking: 80, 3, 16, 6, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0

• Negative Azm tracking: 80, 3, 16, 7, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0

• Positive Alt tracking: 80, 3, 17, 6, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0

• Negative Alt tracking: 80, 3, 17, 7, TrackRateHighByte, TrackRateLowByte, 0, 0


The number 35 is returned from the hand control.

Sending a slow-Goto command through RS232 to the hand control

Convert the angle position to a 24-bit number. Example: if the desired position is 220, then POSITION_24BIT = (220/360)*224 =

2. Separate

POSITION_24BIT into three bytes such that (POSITION_24BIT = PosHighByte * 65536 + PosMedByte * 256 +

PosLowByte). Example: PosHighByte = 156, PosMedByte = 113, PosLowByte = 199.

Send the following 8 bytes:

• Azm Slow Goto: 80, 4, 16, 23, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0

• Alt Slow Goto: 80, 4, 17, 23, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0


The number 35 is returned from the hand control.

Resetting the position of Az or Alt

Convert the angle position to a 24-bit number, same as Slow-Goto example.


Send the following 8 bytes:

• Azm Set Position: 80, 4, 16, 4, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0

• Alt Set Position: 80, 4, 17, 4, PosHighByte, PosMedByte, PosLowByte, 0


The number 35 is returned from the hand control.