Important safety information – RCBS Range Master 750 User Manual

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Like any scale, you control the accuracy of your RCBS RangeMaster Scale. Before using the
scale, read this instruction manual carefully to fully learn how to safely operate the scale. Failure
to properly operate the scale can result in severe personal injury and/or equipment damage
If you have read these instructions and still do not understand some operation, call us at 1-800-
and a technician will assist you. This instruction manual contains specific safety and
operating information. It should be considered a permanent part of your reloading equipment and
remain with the equipment at all times for easy reference.


Reloading is an enjoyable and rewarding hobby that can be conducted safely. However, as with
any hobby, carelessness or negligence can make reloading hazardous. This product has been
designed from the beginning with the user

s safety in mind. When reloading, safety rules must be

followed. By observing these rules, the chance of a hazardous occurrence causing personal injury
or property damage is minimized.

 Use all equipment as the manufacturer recommends. Study the instructions carefully and

become thoroughly familiar with the operation of the product. If you do not have written
instructions, request a copy from the equipment manufacturer.

 Do not take short cuts. Attempting to bypass established procedures is an invitation to an


 Keep tools and components neat, clean and orderly. Promptly and completely clean all primer

and powder spills.

 Reload only when you can give your undivided attention. Do not reload when fatigued or ill, or

under the influence of medications or alcohol. Develop a reloading routine to avoid mistakes
which may prove hazardous. Don

t rush

–load at a leisurely pace.

 Always wear adequate eye protection to protect your eyes from flying particles. You assume

unnecessary risk when reloading without wearing safety glasses.

 Store primers and powder beyond the reach of children and away from heat, dampness, open

flames and electrical equipment. Avoid areas where static electricity is evident.

 Do not use primers of unknown identity. Discard unknown primers in accordance with

applicable regulations.

 Keep primers in the original factory container until ready to use. Return unused primers to the

same factory packaging for safety and to preserve their identity and shelf life. Primer
packaging is designed to provide safe storage.

 DO NOT store primers in bulk. The blast of just a few hundred primers is sufficient to cause

serious injury to anyone nearby.

 DO NOT force primers. Use care in handling primers.
 DO NOT have more than one can of powder on the bench at one time. Powder cans should

be stored away from the bench to avoid picking up the wrong one.

 DO NOT use any powder unless its identity is positively known. The only positive identification

is the manufacturer

s label on the original canister. Discard all mixed powders and those of

uncertain identity.

 DO NOT store powder in the unit after a reloading session. Over time the powder will corrode

the powder hopper.

 If you use a powder measure, replace the lids on both the powder hopper and powder can

after the powder hopper has been filled.

 When using a powder measure, settle the powder in the powder hopper before charging any

cases. Throw and check the weight of at least ten charges. This will assure you that the
correct powder charge is being thrown.

 Use only laboratory tested reloading data. We recommend the SPEER Reloading Manual.


This digital scale is for use with smokeless powders only. Do not use with black powder (used in
muzzle loading firearms). If black powder should come in contact with an electrical spark, an
explosion may occur, resulting in serious injury or death.

Check calibration prior to each use of the scale and re-check frequently during use with the
calibration weights provided. A spot check can easily be made during operation with an RCBS
Scale Check Weight Set. If accuracy is found to be out of tolerance, the scale must be recalibrated
as explained in the CALIBRATION section of this instruction manual. A scale with improper
calibration will cause an incorrect charge weight which may exceed the maximum recommended
This instrument must be serviced only be a trained, qualified factory technician to insure warranty
and safety. For repair information, call: 1-800-533-5000


Digital scales are very reliable devices. However, here are some events which may result in an
inaccurate reading:
 Change in temperature. If the temperature changes more than a few degrees, you must re-

calibrate the scale. Allow scale to stabilize for 20-30 minutes prior to use.

 Changes in scale location or an un-level working surface.
 Un-centered weights on the platen.
 Jarring of the scale during operation.
 Use only the two calibration weights supplied for accuracy.
 Weight accuracy is crucial. Keep weights clean and carefully stored. If dropped or damaged,

have weights inspected against known standards. Contact RCBS Customer Service.

 Static electricity can cause the scale to

jump around

. If static build-up is evident, wipe scale

with an anti-static sheet, or use anti-static spray. Spray on clean soft cloth first. Do not allow
spray to get into mechanism.

 If powder should get inside the unit, stop operation immediately and do not use scale until it

has been serviced. Contact RCBS Customer Service.

 Keep complete records of reloads. Apply a descriptive label to each box showing the date

produced, and the primer, powder and bullet used. Labels for this purpose are packed with
SPEER bullets. Never attempt to guess at the identity of your ammunition.

NOTE: The scale was shipped in protective packaging. Save and use for transporting or long-term
storage of the unit. This instrument may only be serviced by a certified technician. See back cover
for address and Too-Free Customer Service phone number.


