Our effi ciency is guaranteed, Versatility, Boiler comparison guide – Bryan Boilers Tube Steel Boilers User Manual

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Boiler Comparison Guide


Our Effi ciency is Guaranteed

Favorable or superior operating effi ciencies are frequently
reported for all types of boiler, particularly in advertising
and promotional materials. Most often, these claims are
based on factory laboratory tests.

Bryan fl exible water tube steel boilers achieve 86%

effi ciency in operation on actual job sites with normal
140° - 160°F return water temperature.

It should be noted that differences in effi ciency will

always occur between water boilers and steam boilers
or gas-fi red boilers and oil-fi red boilers.

Multi-boiler installations and expansion. Because
Bryan fl exible water tube boilers are available in capacities
from 6 to 500 hp, they are well-suited for multi-unit

When more than one boiler is used — whether due to

expansion or in an original installation — Bryan can supply
a lead/lag demand analyzer system that
protects effi ciency by enabling the owner
to sequence only those boilers required to
meet the current load demand.

Fuel and fi ring options. Bryan fl exible
water tube boilers are offered with either
forced draft or atmospheric gas fi ring.
Either mode is available for use on multiple
fuels; natural/methane/propane gas and oil
or combination gas/oil.

For instance, a Bryan oil-fi red hot water boiler can

be expected to operate in the 85% to 86% range, and
a forced draft gas hot water model in the 85% range.
Again, these are on-the-job effi ciencies rather than factory
laboratory results.

The Bryan fl exible water tube steel boiler is offered in

ratings from 6 to 500 hp. This wide selection also helps
promote higher effi ciency by allowing you to select a
boiler to match your requirements more closely.

Bryan lead/lag
demand analyzer.


In addition, the optional Bryan Energy Selector

provides oil and/or gas fi ring or alternate electric
power at the fl ip of a switch. This versatile feature is
not available in cast iron or fi retube boilers.

Bryan’s Energy
Selector lets user
choose gas, oil or
electric fi ring with
the fl ip of a switch.