JK Audio innkeeper 4 User Manual

Page 7

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Transmit Signals

Receive Signals


The bi-color Send LED displays the signal level as it goes out
over the phone line. The LED will display transmit signal levels
at -20 dB as green and indicate clipping at -3 dB as red. The
goal is to drive the phone line at high enough levels to avoid
phone line noise, but not so loud as to cause excessive
clipping. Adjust your Send audio signals to a level slightly less
than the point where you see occasional flashes of red on the
Transmit LED. These flashes should occur during loud speech
bursts only. If the Transmit LED stays lit red for extended
periods, you can assume that much of your speech is being
clipped or distorted. In this case you should lower the audio
levels for the signal that is causing the clipping. The Innkeeper
2/4 menu will also allow you to adjust your input levels in 1 dB
increments over a +/-10 dB range.

The bi-color Receive LED displays the signal coming from the
phone line and out of the DSP.

The Auto-Answer feature can be activated through the
Innkeeper 2/4 menu. You may select which phone lines will
have auto-answer enabled as well as how many rings before
auto-answer. When Auto-Answer is enabled, you can still take
calls manually using the call button. When finished, you can
either drop the call manually or allow the call to auto-
disconnect. Innkeeper 2/4 will look for a CPC disconnect
signal or ROH message from the phone company to determine
when a call has disconnected. This can take up to a minute.

The LED will display receive

signal levels at -20 dB as green up to -3 dB where it will
change to red. The Innkeeper 2/4 menu will allow you to adjust
individual Caller output levels in 1 dB increments over a +/-10
dB range to give you the best signal level at your equipment.
The Caller level control in the menu will not change what you
see on the Receive LED.

Operation (cont)

This manual is related to the following products: