Get ready – Human Touch Wholebody 2.0 Chair User Manual
Page 4

Setting up your Human Touch Massage Chair is easy.
Just slide the backrest
onto the chair base, connect the two, attach the seat cushion, backrest pad,
and head pillow, and you’re done!
2. Attach the seat cushion.
Unpack the box
Chair Base
Backrest Pad
Head Pillow
Seat Cushion
Align and press the seat cushion firmly into position.
Seat Cushion
Zip the backrest pad to the backrest.
3. Attach the backrest pad.
Backrest pad
Plug the backrest cable into the matching
socket located at the rear lower left corner of
the chair base. Using the Allen wrench and
Allen screw provided, install the screw into
the hole in the connector housing to secure
the connectors together.
5. Plug the backrest cable into the chair base.
Zip the head pillow to the backrest pad.
4. Attach the head pillow.
Head pillow
NOTE: When enjoying a massage,
flip the head pillow and headrest flap
over the backrest to increase neck and
shoulder massage intensity.
1. Attach the backrest to the chair base.
Using two people, lift the backrest into position on top of the chair base, aligning the track on the sides of
the backrest with the brackets on the chair base. Lower the tracks on the sides of the backrest carefully
onto both brackets simultaneously, keeping the backrest level, until the backrest clicks into place.
IMPORTANT: This step requires two people to prevent injury and/or damage to the backrest.
Allen screw
Chair base