Gossen Digisix User Manual

Page 9

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GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmeßtechnik


2.3 Contrast measurements
– Use the Function button to select the

function "EXPOSURE".

– Keep the measuring key M pressed down

and the meter will switch over to contrast
measurement. Continue holding down
the key to measure various other areas in
the subject. In the display, the difference
between the individual results of the
additional measurements and the first
measuring value will be indicated in EV.
A new metering will be made approx.
2 times a second.

After you have released the measuring key
M, the value of the first exposure measure-
ment will reappear.

2.4 Setting correction values
In order to deliberately change the
exposure of your photos, you may adjust
the factory calibration.
– Remove the battery from the Digisix for

a moment and then put it back again in
the compartment. The meter will then
make the self-test.

– During this test, keep the measuring key

and also the function button pressed
down until the accoustic signal sounds.
Release the key to enter the
CORRECTION function.
Use the measuring key M to enter or
change the correction value.

Press the function button again to return the
meter to the normal measuring functions.