Boulder Amplifiers 860 User Manual
Page 17

With each component connected together by a Boulderlink cable, and
individually connected to the mains, pressing the master’s STANDBY
pushbutton will initiate the turn on sequence of all components.
The first time a master is powered up, it will search for any “slave”
units connected to it. As the master finds each slave, the slave’s ID
number will be shown on the display.
If any of the connected slaves are amplifiers, then each time the master
is turned on it will display “WAITING FOR AMPS.” Each amplifier will
be turned on in the order of their Boulderlink ID. To minimize turn on
time, the amplifier Boulderlink IDs should be set to the lowest sequential
numbers possible. For example, use 0, 1, and 2 instead of 13 , 14, and 15.
An amplifier set to ID 15 will take 47 seconds to turn on.