Cineo Lighting DTZ Calibration Guide User Manual
Cineo Lighting Lighting

TruColor HS
Dim-to-Zero Power Supply (DTZ)
Calibration Guide
TruColor HS DTZ power supplies feature
full dimming from 0-100% on both local and
DMX control. They are identifi ed by a “DTZ”
label located on the face plate of the unit:
The DX450 DTZ includes a new calibration
routine that accurately adjusts the dimming
curve for optimal performance.
To calibrate, please follow these instructions:
1. Attach this power supply to a TruColor HS
2. Set the DMX address to “999”.
3. Cycle power on the power supply.
4. The Calibration cycle will fl ash the yellow
LED while it performs the routine: approx.
50 sec.
5. When yellow LED goes solid “ON”,
calibration is complete. Reset the DMX
address to desired value.
w w w . c i n e o l i g h t i n g . c o m
Specifi cations are subject to change
without notice. Cineo Lighting, TruColor,
TruColor HS, are registered trademarks of
Cineo Lighting, Inc.
©2014 Cineo Lighting, Inc. v10.24.14
Silicon Valley | Los Angeles | London
+1 310.425.3425
The calibration data is stored in the power
supply, and is, for the most part completely
compatible with any HS or LS lamphead
attached. For critical applications, calibration
can be improved by performing a calibration
for the specifi c PSU / lamphead pairing.