Page 14 – Blizzard Lighting EXA SkyBox User Manual
Page 14

Page 14
SkyBox™ EXA Manual Rev. A
© 2014 Blizzard Lighting, LLC
DMX Mode
Allows the unit to be controlled by any universal DMX controller.
Tip: Push the
Set the Starting DMX Address:
The default mode for the fixture is DMX, so the first menu item that you can edit is the
starting DMX address.
1.) Navigate the menu using the button until you reach Addr.
2.) Use the
3.) Press the
Select the DMX Channel Mode:
1.) Navigate the menu using the button until you reach CHnd.
2.) Use the
3.) Press the
Slave Mode: Set slave fixtures to: Addr: 001, 7CH mode to ensure correct
reception of master signals. The master will be the 1st fixture in the DMX chain.
Auto Mode / Static Colors
1.) Navigate the menu using the button until you reach AUTO.
2.) Use the
to automatically run through all of the colors.
3.) If you choose auto run, you can then adjust the color change speed, or adjust the
color fade speed.
a.) Press the button until you reach the Speed menu item.
b.) Then use the
(fast <--> slow).
c.) Press the
a.) Press the button until you reach the Fade menu item.
b.) Then use the
(fast <--> slow).
c.) Press the
63 Preset Colors:
00 Red
21 Red+Green+Blue
42 Red+Green+Blue+White
01 Green
22 Red+Green+Amber
43 Red+Green+Blue+UV
02 Blue
23 Red+Green+White
44 Red+Green+Amber+White
03 Amber
24 Red+Green+UV
45 Red+Green+Amber+UV
04 White
25 Red+Blue+Amber
46 Red+Green+White+UV
05 UV
26 Red+Blue+White
47 Red+Blue+Amber+White
06 Red+Green
27 Red+Blue+UV
48 Red+Blue+Amber+UV
07 Red+Blue
28 Red+Amber+White
49 Red+Blue+White+UV
08 Red+Amber
29 Red+Amber+UV
50 Red+Amber+White+UV
09 Red+White
30 Red+White+UV
51 Green+Blue+Amber+White
10 Red+UV
31 Green+Blue+Amber
52 Green+Blue+Amber+UV
11 Green+Blue
32 Green+Blue+White
53 Green+Blue+White+UV
12 Green+Amber
33 Green+Blue+UV
54 Green+Amber+White+UV
13 Green+White
34 Green+Amber+White
55 Blue+Amber+White+UV
14 Green+UV
35 Green+Amber+UV
56 Red+Green+Blue+Amber+White
15 Blue+Amber
36 Green+White+UV
57 Red+Green+Blue+Amber+UV
16 Blue+White
37 Blue+Amber+White
58 Red+Green+Blue+White+UV
17 Blue+UV
38 Blue+Amber+UV
59 Red+Green+Amber+White+UV
18 Amber+White
39 Blue+White+UV
60 Red+Blue+Amber+White+UV
19 Amber+UV
40 Amber+White+UV
61 Green+Blue+Amber+White+UV
20 White+UV
41 Red+Green+Blue+Amber
62 All Colors: R+G+B+A+W+UV