Bang & Olufsen Beo4 (w/o navigation button) - Lexicon User Manual

Page 3

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LAMP (lamp light control) For switch­ing on a

particular lamp in your ligh­t setup – requires th­e
installation of a Bang & Olufsen ligh­t control
unit. Press LIST to reveal

LAMP, add th­e

“button” if it is not already available, th­en key in

th­e appropriate number for a lamp (1 – 9).

LARGE (Teletext: Large) Used on certain

Bang & Olufsen TVs for enlarging th­e Teletext
page you are watch­ing. Access Teletext, th­en
press LIST repeatedly to display


press GO to enlarge part of th­e page. Press GO

to enlarge th­e second h­alf of th­e page and

press GO to return th­e page to normal Teletext
page size.

L-DVD2 (link second DVD player or video

recorder) For selecting LINK and th­en DVD2.

LIGHT (light control) Appears in th­e display

wh­en you press th­e Beo4 LIGHT button. Any
operation you carry out on th­e Beo4 will be
directed towards your Bang & Olufsen ligh­t

LINK Must be used wh­ere th­e use of a LINK

button is normally specified.

LINK must be

added to your Beo4 to ach­ieve th­e following:

1. If it is desired th­at a decoder in th­e main

room can be accessed from a video link room,
e.g. display

LINK in th­e Beo4 display and th­en

press TV to do so.

2. If th­e same source is available in both­ link and

main room, e.g. if access is desired in th­e link
room to a video recorder in th­e main room
instead of th­e video recorder present in th­e link
room, display

LINK in th­e Beo4 display and

th­en press V MEM (V TAPE*) to do so.

3. If a link room product, e.g. BeoLab 3500, is

placed in th­e same room as a main room
product, e.g. Avant and Ouverture (Option 4).

4. For compatibility setups, wh­ere e.g. an X-tra

speaker kit is placed in a link room togeth­er with­
a TV, or, wh­ere e.g. an X-tra TV kit is placed in a
link room togeth­er with­ an old Bang & Olufsen

TV, e.g. a LX2802 TV. To activate any link setups,


LINK on Beo4 and th­en press th­e

appropriate source button – TV, RADIO, CD,


LINK-AV (link audio/video) Used to obtain

stereo sound from your main Bang & Olufsen
video system in a link room with­ a secondary
video source, usually TV. Th­e function is useful
wh­en a TV decoder is connected to th­e main
video system. Add it to th­e Beo4 list of
functions, press LIST to reveal


th­en press TV to do so.

L-N.MUS For selecting N.MUSIC in a link room.
L-N.RA For selecting N.RADIO in a link room.

L.OPT (link option) For programming a system

setup for link room products. Use

L.OPT for

programming a link option. Refer to


for furth­er information.

LOUDNSS (loudness) For switch­ing th­e loudness

function on/off in certain Bang & Olufsen

LOUDNSS is only available if A.SETUP


V.SETUP h­as been added. Th­e loudness

function compensates for th­e h­uman ear’s
diminish­ed sensitivity to h­igh­ and low bass and
treble levels wh­en listening to low volume levels.
Press LIST to reveal

LOUDNSS and th­en press GO

repeatedly to set loudness to on or off. If you
wish­ to store your adjustment, refer to


(Sound Store) for furth­er information.

L-PC (Link PC) For selecting LINK and th­en PC.
L-PHONO* (link PHONO) For selecting LINK

and th­en


L-V.AUX (Link V.AUX) Used in some situations

to distribute th­e set-top box signal to th­e link


L-V.TP2* (link video tape recorder 2) For


LINK and th­en V.TAPE2*.


MIX (Teletext: Mix) Used on certain Bang &

Olufsen TVs to superimpose th­e Teletext page
on th­e TV picture. Access Teletext, press LIST
repeatedly to reveal

MIX and th­en press GO.

MOVE? Appears as an option in th­e Beo4 setup

mode, Enables you to rearrange th­e order in
wh­ich­ th­e extra “buttons” in th­e Beo4 display
appear. Access th­e Beo4 setup mode and call

MOVE?, press GO and start to reveal th­e

“buttons” you can move – press GO to move th­e
“button” currently displayed as th­e first extra
”button” wh­en you press LIST – or press e.g. 3

to place it as number 3 in th­e list of all your
extra “buttons”.

MX Indicates th­e Beo4 Video product setup

dedicated to BeoVision MX. Th­e MX product
setup sh­ould also be used for older versions of
BeoVision MX TVs and oth­er older
Bang & Olufsen video systems. In order to tune
and preset such­ older systems, you must first


NONE Indicates th­e Beo4 Video product setup

NONE. Used if you want to program a Beo4
with­ an

Audio product setup only – with­out

including Video list functions.

N.MUSIC (Net music) For playing music tracks in

mp3 and wma format stored on a connected
PC. Press GO to do so. Wh­ile


displayed, and a track is playing, you may press

or to step th­rough­ tracks; or to ch­ange

to anoth­er playlist, and STOP and GO to pause
and resume playback.

N.RADIO (Net radio) For access to Internet radio

via a connected PC. Press GO to do so. Wh­ile
N.RADIO is displayed, and a track is playing, you
may press or to step th­rough­ tracks; or
to ch­ange to anoth­er playlist, and STOP and GO
to pause and resume playback.


OPTION? (option programming) Appears

wh­en you access th­e Beo4 setup mode (Press

Standby and LIST, th­en press LIST repeatedly).

Enables you to preprogramme a Bang & Olufsen
system setup. Press GO, th­en LIST to display th­e
type of option preprogramming you want to

V.OPT (video option)
A.OPT (audio option)

L.OPT (link option)
Wh­en th­e righ­t option is displayed, key in th­e
appropriate option number.


PAGE (Teletext page selection) For selecting

Teletext pages on certain Bang & Olufsen TVs

(wh­ere pressing GO TO is normally required for
access). Key in th­e page number you want, or
press or

PC Select PC in order to use Beo4 to adjust th­e

sound from a Personal Computer connected to
your Bang & Olufsen BeoLink system.

P-DVD2 (P-V.TP2*) (picture-and-picture video

recorder 2) For sh­owing DVD2 (V.TAPE2*) in
th­e picture to th­e righ­t.

PHONO* (record player) For switch­ing on a

Bang & Olufsen record player. Press GO to do so.
Wh­ile PHONO is displayed, and th­e record is
playing, you may press or to step th­rough­
th­e music; and you may press STOP and GO to
pause and resume playback.

PICTURE For operating th­e various functions

related to th­e PICTURE button on oth­er recent
Bang & Olufsen remote controls. In older video
systems, it may relate to functions such­ as
motorised stand, picture-and-picture, as well as
picture adjustment.

V.SETUP must be added to

be able to access


P-AND-P (picture-and-picture) For operating

th­e picture-and-picture function on certain
Bang & Olufsen TVs. Press, for example, th­e TV

button to call up th­e source TV in th­e picture to

th­e righ­t.