Bryan Boilers Heat Exchanger Type Pool Heater User Manual
Bryan steam, Heat exchanger type pool heater

Form No. 2000
All of the features and quality of the time proven
Bryan “Indirect” Heaters are now available using
an existing central boiler heating plant as the
heat source.
Hot water or steam is taken from the heating
main and circulated through the exchanger
shell. The pool water is heated as it passes
through the copper “Indirect” coil.
Heat Exchanger Type Pool Heater
• Completely packaged
and assembled
• No gas or oil piping required
• No vent or chimney required
• Lower initial cost
• Less space required
Outputs from 200,000 to 4,200,000 BTUH Water Heat Source
and 400,000 to 3,600,000 BTUH Steam Heat Source
Standard Equipment
Steel heat exchanger shell — (125 PSI-ASME), copper
heat exchanger with brass head, pool water tempera-
ture control aquastat to control heat source circulating
pump or steam control valve, assembled and wired.
Optional Equipment
Circulating pump, steam control valve, thermometer,
steam pressure gauge, steam strainer.
1. Steam valve sizing based upon 5 PSI minimum
steam pressure and ½ PSI return pressure.
2. Pump sizing based upon maximum temperature
drop through exchanger of 30° F, and maximum
head loss in piping between boiler and heater of
10 ft. H
0. For other conditions and pressure drop
data consult factory.