Audio Developments AD144 User Manual
Page 31

AD144 monitor facilities and functions are incorporated on a single module. It is split
into two sections. The first section selects (and mixes) signals to monitor 1 and the
second section selects (and mixes) signals to monitor 2. Monitor 1 output is
transformer-balanced and appears on a pair of XLRs ( L & R). Monitor 2 output is
intended to drive headphones via a standard ‘A’ type stereo jack – available on the
connector panel and the bottom of the monitor module.
The monitor output (MON) from an input channel is derived from the output of the
panoramic potentiometer and has, therefore, a left and right component. To audition
this signal on monitor 1 select CH (2). The signal being monitored will be a true AFL
(after-fade listen) signal from the selected channel. A mono mix of these signal can be
presented to both left and right monitor outputs by selecting MONO (33). Monitoring
this signal (CH) on monitor 2 can only be done by selecting MON 1 on the Monitor 2
direct signal selector (18) and doing so via Monitor 1.
“How does a microphone sit in the mix?” is a question frequently asked. The question
is answered by SIP (solo in place) use of the available facilities. Let us assume a
stereo mix on outputs A and B and a required assessment of channel 1 microphone –
by alternating the selections CH and A.B (5) the question is answered immediately.
MON on channel 1 will also be selected.
Main outputs (3) to (9) and auxiliary outputs (24) to (27) may be auditioned
accordingly, on left - and/or right - monitor 1. A.B (6), C.D (9) and L.R (10) appear in
stereo form. .
AD144 accepts two stereo returns – probably playback from recording devices - for
monitoring purposes only. Switches (28) to (31) select to monitor 1 the return signals.
All signals to monitor 1 associated with switches (2) to (9) and (24) to (31) may be
mixed – there are no interlocks.
DEC (11) introduces a matrix amplifier into the monitor 1 path. See M-S NOTES for
further information.
MONO (33) mixes a monitor 1 stereo output to mono and presents the mono signal to
left and right outputs of monitor 1 or a mono signal on left or right is presented to both
left and right outputs.
DIM (34) inserts a 20dB (approximately) attenuator in monitor 1 output for a temporary
reduction in output level, without having to disturb the output level control.
Monitor 1 output level control (32) is calibrated at the fully clockwise position of its
When a stereo signal is present at monitor 1 output it is possible to rebalance the
stereo signal with the BAL (10) control; ±5dB variation is available.