3D Robotics Bluetooth Data Link User Manual
Bluetooth data link, Connect

Bluetooth module
Pixhawk cable
(six-position DF13
Select the cable for your autopilot, and connect the black connector to the pins on
the Bluetooth module with the red wire connected to the pin marked VCC.
APM cable
DF13 connector)
For Pixhawk, connect the six-position
connector to the TELEM1 or TELEM2 port.
Connect to your vehicle using Bluetooth! This data link module allows you to skip the
telemetry radio and use your Android device’s Bluetooth capabilities with DroidPlanner
or Andropilot to perform mission planning and pre-flight setup.
Safety note: This module is for ground use only. It is not a replacement for an RC
transmitter and receiver for in-flight vehicle control. The range of the connection is
limited to standard Bluetooth range (50 m).
For APM, connect the five-position
connector to the Telem port.