Installation – Wood’s Powr-Grip EO2GSL User Manual
Page 4

Rev 1.0/6-14
EO2GSL: #35192
1) Remove the Vacuum Lift Light from its protective packaging.
2) Follow the vacuum lifter's instruction manual to verify that the lifter is in good working order
before installing the lift light.
3) Remove the existing power switch enclosure and disconnect the wiring. Then mount the new
enclosure on the lifter and connect the wiring, using the appropriate wiring diagram
4) Route vacuum hose from the lifter's vacuum system to the appropriate fitting(s) of the new
enclosure, so that the lift light turns on when the vacuum switch registers sufficient vacuum
for lifting the Maximum Load Capacity (see SPECIFICATIONS in lifter's instruction manual).
Note that the necessary hose routing differs, depending on the lifter in question. In addition,
lifters equipped with a vacuum reserve tank may have some redundant vacuum system
components, which must be removed during lift light installation. If necessary, contact your
Authorized Service Center or Wood's Powr-Grip for additional information.
5) Test the vacuum setting as directed under MAINTENANCE: V
, and if
necessary, adjust the setting as directed. Then install the enclosure cover. Now the lift light
is operational.
6) Test the lift light as directed under MAINTENANCE: T