Inventorycontrolwhitepaper0810_3, How small businesses commonly track inventory – Wasp Barcode Inventory Management White Paper User Manual

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handle write-offs, cope with tax issues and depreciation, combat cash-flow and loan problems, and

face unnecessary expenses.

Consider, too, the negative impact on your customers as delays unfold. Unmet expectations may

damage your company’s reputation and, at worst, frustrated customers may turn to other suppliers

to satisfy their requests. When you also take into account the tasks that go unaccomplished as

employees scramble to find the toner, valves or sunglasses, it soon becomes clear why accurate

inventory-tracking is so critical to your business' success.

Fortunately, even small and midsize businesses can tap into today's technology to ensure they are

cost-effectively managing their stock of products for resale, internal use, repair and temporary usage.

The State of Inventory Management in Business

Progressive businesses have used inventory warehouse management systems (WMS) for years –

driving costs out of their supply chain, improving efficiency in their warehouses, and flowing

increased profit to their bottom line. A study by Aberdeen Research indicated companies with a fully

automated WMS system showed efficiency improvements well over 10%, with pick rates and

shipping accuracy rates of 99%. Further, when labor is factored in, these best-in-class companies

enjoyed reduced labor costs year-over-year compared to their peers, who incurred annual labor

increases in excess of 5% each year.

In spite of these benefits,

many small businesses don’t

track inventory using an

automated system, often

perceiving such systems as

unaffordable or unnecessarily

complicated for basic

inventory management. In a

recent survey of small

businesses by Wasp Barcode,

more than 80% of their

customers had not used any

type of automated system

prior to implementing an

inventory tracking system. Interestingly, 23% didn’t track inventory at all. Some tried to use

inventory functionality in their accounting system. Thirty percent resorted to manual methods using

pen and paper, and 32% turned to spreadsheets or general purpose database software.


How Small Businesses Commonly Track Inventory

Source: Wasp customer survey June 2010






