Vortex Optics RAZOR HD 5-20X50 RIFLESCOPE — First Focal Plane User Manual
Page 3

Target Size (Inches) x 95.5
Measured MOAs
Range (Yards)
MOA measurements are very effective for ranging using a
simple formula. To use this formula, the shooter needs to
know the size of the target or nearby object in inches.
Using either the vertical or horizontal MOA scale,
place the reticle on a target of known dimensions and
read the number of MOAs spanned. You will obtain
maximum accuracy in ranging by calculating exact MOA
measurements. MOAs should be estimated in 1/4s if
possible. To help calculate fractions of MOAs, the inner
crosshair line thickness can be used as a reference. All
inner line thicknesses subtend 1/5 MOA.
Accurate measuring will depend on a very steady hold. The
rifle should be solidly braced using a rest, bipod or sling
when measuring. Once you have an accurate MOA reading,
use the formula to calculate the distance.
Note: In the MOA ranging formula, a shooter may substitute 100 for 95.5
in the interest of speedier calculations. Be aware that this will produce a
fi ve percent over-estimation error of the yardage distance obtained.
Ranging a 6-foot target stand (72 inches)
at 12 MOAs yields 573 yards.
72 x 95.5
12 MOA
573 Yards
MOA Ranging Formula