Using at long ranges tmcq reticle moa subtensions – Vortex Optics VIPER PST 1-4X24 RIFLESCOPE User Manual

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18 MOA

22 MOA


.2 MOA

Once distances approach 200 yards and beyond, the reticle subtension
lines can be utilized to compensate for bullet drop. If necessary, reticle
subtensions can also be used to help estimate range.

Note: When used in the second focal plane PST 1–4x24 riflescope,
the MOA subtensions listed in the diagram are only valid at the 4x
magnification. On these riflescopes, all ranging and holdover corrections
using the reticle subtensions should be done at 4x.

Using at Long Ranges

TMCQ Reticle MOA Subtensions

MOA Adjustments

The TMCQ MOA reticle is based on minute-of-angle (MOA)
subtensions. MOA measurements are based on degrees and minutes
(360 degrees in a circle and 60 minutes in a degree for a total of
21,600). These angular measurements are used to estimate range and
correct for bullet trajectory drop in riflescopes. 1 MOA will correspond
to 1.05 inches at a 100 yard distance, 2.1 inches at 200 yards, 3.15
inches at 300 yards, and so on. The Viper PST 1–4x uses 1/2 MOA
clicks which subtend .52 inches per click at 100 yards.