Victorio VKP1006 Food Dehydrator User Manual

Page 8

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Directions for Use - Mix 1 teaspoon of powdered ascorbic acid (or 3000

mg of ascorbic acid tablets, crushed) in 2 cups water. Place the fruit in

the solution for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove fruit, drain well and place on

dryer trays. After this solution is used twice, add more acid.

• Ascorbic Acid Mixtures - Ascorbic acid mixtures are a mixture of

ascorbic acid and sugar sold for use on fresh fruits and in canning or

freezing. It is more expensive and not as effective as using pure ascorbic


Directions for Use - Mix 1 1⁄2 tablespoons of ascorbic acid mixture

with one quart of water. Place the fruit in the mixture and soak 3 to

5 minutes. Drain the fruit well and place on dryer trays. After this

solution is used twice, add more ascorbic acid mixture.

• Fruit Juice Dip - A fruit juice that is high in vitamin C can also be

used as a pretreatment, though it is not as effective as pure ascorbic

acid. Juices high in vitamin C include orange, lemon, pineapple, grape

and cranberry. Each juice adds its own color and flavor to the fruit.

Directions for Use - Place enough juice to cover the fruit in a bowl. Add

cut fruit. Soak 3 to 5 minutes, remove fruit, drain well and place on

dryer trays. This solution may be used twice, before being replaced.

(The used juice can be consumed.)

For more information about pretreating fruits visit the USDA’s website,

Drying the Prepared Fruit

Because fruits contain sugar and are sticky, spray the drying trays with

nonstick cooking spray before placing the fruit on the trays. Put fruit pieces

on the drying trays, making sure they do not touch or overlap. After the

fruit dries for one to two hours, lift each piece gently with a spatula and

turn. Since drying times vary widely due to many factors make sure you

never leave your dehydrator unattended for long periods of time. Food

dries much faster at the end of the drying period and can easily burn, so

monitor it closely.