SLM Electronics V30H User Manual
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You are now the proud owner of a V-Series V30H Guitar Amplifier Head.
This amplifier packs a whole lot of vintage tube sound into its compact cab-
inet – giving you an amp that’s portable and easy to operate yet still pro-
duces incredible sounds! Hidden underneath the amp’s cabinet are a pair
of heavy duty slide-out mounting brackets which can be used to “piggy
back” the amplifier onto the top of the Crate V212T Guitar Speaker
Enclosure - see page 6 for additional information.
Like all St. Louis Music amplifiers, your V30H is designed by musicians,
and built using the finest components available. Extensive testing confirms
that this amplifier is the absolute best it can be.
In order to get the most out of your new amplifier, we strongly urge you to
read the information contained in this manual before you begin playing.
And Thank You for choosing a V-Series amplifier!
G u i t a r A m p l i f i e r H E A D