Salter 9042 WH3R MiBaby Mother & Baby Electronic Scale User Manual

Page 4

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Click on graph to see the order the teeth appeared on a timeline. You can hover over

a data point to see details. You can zoom in or out and travel along the timeline using

the +, - buttons and slide bar.


Milestones are shown as diagrams.

Click on the + button to add dates the milestones were achieved. There is also a

custom milestone icon with free text. You may add multiple custom milestones

to record individual key events in your child’s development. Click on an existing

milestone to edit.



note: BMI measurements are calculated from the weight and height measurements

so there is no need to enter these. Regularly updating both weight and height

measurements will give the most accurate BMI measurements.

Click on graph to display the measurements as a graph. The results are shown

against percentile curves. You can hover over a data point to see details. You can

zoom in or out and travel along the timeline using the +, - buttons and slide bar.
Percentile curves are derived from: World Health Organisation (2006). WHO child

growth standards: length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-length, weight-

for-height and body mass index-for-age : methods and development.


Teeth are shown as a diagram.

Click on a tooth to enter/edit the date it appeared. Use the slide bar to see the order

the teeth appeared.