Boca Research Wireless LAN PC Card 11Mbps User Manual

Page 16

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On the Encryption screen, show in Fig 4-5, you can set the level of security with which you will

be using the WLAN PC Card.

Under the drop-down box, you can choose to have WEP encryption Disabled, 64-Bit, or 128-

Bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is an encryption scheme use to protect wireless data communi-
cation. If you decide to use encryption, you can choose any of the available WEP keys (1 to 4). You
also have option to select the WEP mode (Mandatory/optional). If you select “Mandatory”, then not
only WEP will be used, but also any other station needs to use WEP encryption in order to establish
a communication with your station. This requirement is in line with the IEEE 802.11b standard. If, on
the other hand, you choose “Option”, then your station can communication with every other station
regardless if they use WEP or not. The Disabled setting prevents the sharing of data with other
computers on the WEP network. When Enable encryption for the WEP Key entry, enter the hexa-
decimal number (the letters “A” through “F” and the numbers “0” through “9”) set by the other
wireless WEP settings; these settings must be identical to the WEP encryption on all points in your
wireless network in order to network to your WLAN PC Card. The security keys are four 10 digit key
for the 64-Bit WEP setting and four 26 digit key for the 128-Bit WEP setting.

Fig 4-5


NOTE: The WEP Key Entry must match the Key on all other devices on the

wireless network or this device will be unable to transmit or receive data.