Phoenix Audio Nicerizer 16 - 16 Channel DAW Summing Solution User Manual
Page 4

2T Return:
The 2T Return jacks are ¼” inputs. The input can be either balanced or
unbalanced signal. The purpose of the 2T Return is so that external equipment
(such as analogue tape machines, CD Burners, A/D Converters, Etc.) can be fed
back to the Nicerizer 16’s monitoring system to be monitored on the headphone
output jack on the front panel. The 2T Return does not return the signal to the
Main Outputs:
There are 2 x Main output XLR’s Labeled Output L and R. These provide access
to the 2 mix busses which are transformer-balanced Outputs driven by our Class
A, Discrete DSOP-2 Output stages, and can be used in either balanced or un-
balanced mode. These outputs can also be chained to any number of pieces of
external equipment as long as total loading does not exceed 600R.
Front Panel:
Pan Controls
The front panel has 2 rows of Pan controls numbered 1 - 16 associated with the
Input XLR’s on the rear panel. Each channel is individually controlled and can be
panned From Left to Right, and anywhere in between.
+8 dB Push-button switches
Between the rows of Pan controls there is a row of Push-button switches marked
+8. Each switch is associated with an individual channel, and pressing a switch
will add an additional gain of +8dB to the input of that channel.
Monitor Selector Switch (Rotary)
The monitor Selector switch is a 12 position switch that selects pairs of channels
for monitoring purposes Eg: 1 and 2, 3 and 4 Etc. It also allows monitoring of the
main L and R outputs, Pre-Fade signal, Auxiliary Output, and 2T Input.
Monitoring is achieved visually by the LED meter, and is also available on the
Auxiliary Output Jack sockets on the rear and Output Jack socket on the front
Front Output Jack Socket
The ¼” TRS Monitor output jack is used to monitor individual channels (mono),
stereo channels (channel pairs), The Auxiliary Output, 2T Return, Pre-fade level
and the Main Output. The Monitor Jack Socket is capable of driving directly into
headphones but is also capable of driving external monitoring equipment or
studio talk-back style systems Etc.