Safety information – Multiquip WBH16_16E User Manual

Page 8

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page 8 — WBH16/WBH16e poWer Buggy • operation and parts manual — rev. #9 (12/03/10)

Safety infOrMatiOn

do not operate the power buggy at excessive speeds.

Reckless operation may cause accidents and severe

injury. Slow down when approaching people, wet areas,

and going up and down grades. It is the responsibility of

the operator to adjust speed, as necessary, depending

on the conditions of the road or path.

alloW extra time to stop when operating the power

buggy ion wet surfaces or loosely graded materials.

only remove the outer tires when it is necessary to

reduce the width of the power buggy in order to access

narrow work areas. If outer tires are removed, the power

buggy must only be used on level, solid surfaces such

as concrete, asphalt, or compacted stone to prevent the

power buggy from tipping. The maximum load must also

be reduced to 1000 lb.

do not dump materials that are large and chunky.

These types of material may shift causing the power

buggy to tip and throw the operator off the machine. The

power buggy is intended for dumping free-fl owing and

loose materials such as dry soil, slag, and wet concrete.

do not dump materials from bucket while the power

buggy is moving.

For walk behind operation, the operator platform must be

stowed and locked in the up position. The speed should

also be reduced to 3 mph or slower.


alWays ensure power buggy is securely placed on

appropriate blocks or jackstands when performing

maintenance requires elevation of the buggy.

alWays make sure the power buggy’s brakes are

working properly. Check brake linkage and adjust as


never operate the power buggy with a

defective braking system.

Ensure brakes are applied when leaving or when using

on a slope.

When parking on a slope, position the power buggy at

a right angle to a slope. Ensure that the parking brake

is engaged and holds the power buggy safely in place

when parking on a slope.

alWays block the power buggy with appropriate blocks

when leaving the power buggy parked on a slope.

To prevent unexpected loss of control,

do not start

engine on a sloping surface.

Ensure that the speed control lever works freely and

returns to the closed position.

do not start engine

unless speed control linkage is working properly.

Make sure that the tires are infl ated to the manufacturer’s

recommended tire pressure.

never operate the power buggy with bad or worn tires.

alWays replace defective tires with new ones.

alWays make sure the hydraulic dumping mechanism

of the tub is working properly.

Avoid sudden stops and starts and changes in direction.

Operate the controls smoothly.

do not jerk the steering

or any other controls.

never attempt to work the control except from the

operator’s position.

never drive or tow the power buggy in traffi c or on

public roads.

alWays keep the machine in proper running condition.

Fix damage to machine and replace any broken parts


The entire power buggy (tub, step plate, shroud, wheels,

etc.) should be cleaned after every use. Make sure there

is no buildup of concrete, grease, oil or debris on the


alWays store equipment properly when it is not being

used. Equipment should be stored in a clean, dry location

out of the reach of children and unauthorized personnel.