Class 1 bluetooth rs232 adaptor – Brainboxes BL-730 User Manual
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TEL: +44 (0) 151 220 2500 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: WWW.BRAINBOXES.COM
Whhaatt CCaann II ddoo w
wiitthh BBlluueettooootthh??
Bluetooth makes the sharing and exchange of information between mobile or static devices as
simple as possible. Whether at home, on the move, or in the office it can be used for
networking, sharing files, synchronizing information, email, Internet access, printing, and more.
In industry it can be used to wirelessly control equipment and machinery - perfect for servicing
inaccessible devices.
Connect wirelessly to a Bluetooth
printer to easily print copies of
your documents
Create instant ad-hoc networks to
share files and information
Use Bluetooth in test or manufacturing
to control and monitor equipment
Connect to the Internet from
anywhere at home via a Bluetooth
broadband modem
Email anywhere by connecting
your laptop or Pocket PC to your
Bluetooth phone
BBrraaiinnbbooxxeess'' KKaaiizzeenn
"Brainboxes constantly strives to achieve higher standards for the benefit of customers."
‘Kaizen’ is a Japanese term meaning ‘continuous improvement’. Kaizen has been implemented
throughout Brainboxes, resulting in significant improvements to our products and our customer service,
as illustrated by the development of our own custom ASIC “LYNX” and our new lifetime warranty. As part of this
ongoing process, in 2004 we embarked on ‘Lean’ and ‘6 Sigma’ programs which are successfully increasing
productivity and efficiency in all areas of the company. More Info:
Click Here
BBrraaiinnbbooxxeess'' SSeerrvviiccee
“Brainboxes offers free lifetime support for ALL customers.”
We aim to provide industry leading support for our customers. Our highly trained and helpful support
engineers sit and work closely with the product designers, developers, and testers to ensure an in-depth
knowledge of the products. Support can be found by emailing
calling: +44 (0)151 220 2500 during UK office hours.
Support website:
“Brainboxes offers 3 year ‘no quibble warranty’ on all Bluetooth products.”
If, for whatever reason, your Brainboxes Bluetooth device does become dysfunctional Brainboxes are happy to replace
it thanks to our “3 year no quibble warranty”. Peace of mind for your investment.