Loadstar Sensors LoadVUE (LV-400,LV-1000,LV-4000,LV-7000) Load Cell User Manual
Page 6

LoadVUE User Guide • 4
Loadstar Sensors, Inc. •
Click on
Log Settings
to view an expanded layout that displays the log readings.
You can select the number of sensors readings that are averaged for display by clicking on the
button. Averaging more readings will reduce the noise level while fewer readings will
improve the frequency response. On this screen you can also select your preferred display units: lb,
oz., kg, g, N (Newton), or kN (kiloNewton).
Other options include:
When ‘Tare All’ is clicked, confirm before
taring, to prevent accidental zeroing of the loads.
Enable Running Tare: You will be able to tare the
load cell in the ‘run’ mode, i.e, without having to
click on the
button. This may affect the data
acquisition rates.
User Defined Field Name: This will be entered in
the log file as the column header for the user
defined field.
Do not log to screen: Use this option if you are
logging for an extended period of time to reduce
memory consumption by LoadVUE.
Alarm Settings: These options may be used to
sound an alarm if the load reaches above or below
a specified threshold. Setting these alarms may
affect data acquisition rate if the alarm goes off.
Also the threshold settings must be specified in the
same units as the units above. (The alarm options