Koch Supernova User Manual
Page 5

[13] ULTRA-GAIN: This channel has five gain stages and therefore delivers endless amounts
of sustain and compression.
This ULTRA-GAIN knob controls the amount of distortion in Channel 5. Distorted sound is
already achieved at low settings 2-3, at higher settings 3-5 heavy overdrive occurs which will
produce a more powerful distortion. At the highest settings 5-10 ultra overdrive occurs, adding
tons of power, sustain and compression.
WARNING: This Ultra-Gain channel requires a guitar with low microphonic pick-ups
and sufficient screening. Otherwise squealing and/or excessive hum and noise may
occur if the Ultra-Gain knob is turned above "4".
NOTE: The GAIN and the ULTRA-GAIN controls of the Supernova are very powerful and
practical 'sound-creators'. These dual controls control the amount of amplification in two
amplifier stages simultaneously and combine Drive and Gain-Boost in one knob.
[14] VOLUME: Controls the volume level of Channel 5.
[15] PRESENCE: Controls the amount of boost in the upper mid frequency range of Channel
4 and 5
[16] BASS, MID & TREBLE: Classic post-distortion passive tone controls of Channel 4 and 5.
[17] OTS DRIVE: This DRIVE knob controls the amount of distortion of the OTS circuit.
[18] OTS VOLUME: Controls the volume level of the OTS circuit.
NOTE: OTS stands for Output Tube Saturation. The Supernova is equipped with a 0.5 Watt
all-tube power amp, not for driving any speakers but pure for creating new harmonic
structures. This unique feature enables you to add real tube-power-amp distortion to all your
sounds, clean as well as distorted! If CH1 is on, you can create nice and musical saturation of
clean tones; in CH2-5 you can really fatten up all your crunchy or even your high-gain
distortion tones.
If the OTS is activated the small tube-power-amp is placed in the signal path, like it was
plugged in as an effects unit in an effects loop.
[19] REVERB: The Supernova has a built-in spring reverb unit. This knob controls the amount
of the Spring Reverb signal mixed with the original dry signal.[20] MASTER-1: If activated,
this master volume control can be preset at a lower rhythm level.
[21] MASTER-2: If activated, this master volume control can be preset at a higher solo level.
All functions described in the section below can be linked to each of the Supernova's 5
channels. They are MIDI accessible and recordable with the Store button.
BASS: Boosts the lowest frequencies in all channels.
MID SHIFT: Shifts the operating frequency of the Treble controls in all channels from the
standard frequency of 2 KHz down to 800Hz, thus creating a very natural and musically
sounding boost in the middle frequencies.
BRIGHT: Boosts the high frequencies. The effect is subtle but therefore always instantly
useable without having to re-adjust the tone controls.
HI-CUT: Cuts the highest frequencies. The effect is most noticeable with distortion sounds. It
removes any schratchiness and smoothens out the sound.
[23] SPEAKER DAMPING: This switch selects speaker damping between High, Medium and
Low. In the H (HIGH) position the power amp damps the speaker’s own cone-movement
which results in a more controlled sound (compare with shock breakers of a car). In the M
(MEDIUM) position the power amp’s damping of the speaker is less, which results in a more
open sound. In the L (LOW) position the damping is minimal which enhances the sound in the
low and the high frequencies. Which option is best depends on personal taste.
[24] CHANNELS: Selects channels 1-5 as long as the FS-6 footswitch (set to Channel
Switching) is not connected.
[25] OTS: Activates the OTS circuit [see 17, 18] by placing it in the signal path.
[26] MASTER: Selects Master-1 [20] or Master-2 [21].
[27] REVERB: Activates the built-in spring reverb unit [19].
[28] STORE: Stores any combinations of choices made with the switches 22-32 in a MIDI
program number (1-128). When the lever is pushed down the STORE LED flashes for 2
seconds indicating that storage will be activated. After two seconds the STORE LED will light
continuously indicating that storage has taken place.
When the FS6 is connected and set to "Channel Switching Mode" the STORE button now
only stores your current choices as default start-up setting.
NOTE: if a stored combination of choices is changed, the STORE LED will burn on half power
indicating that the choices made do not correspond with the stored data.
NOTE: By holding the lever of the STORE switch down while switching on the Power switch
[see back panel 1], all stored data can be RESET.
[29-32] FX Loops: Activate the two serial FX loops S1 and S2, and the two parallel FX loops
P1 and P2.
[33] STANDBY: This switch allows the SUPERNOVA to be placed in Standby (green LED off)
or Active (green LED on) mode. In Standby mode the tubes remain hot, but the amplifier is not
The green LED monitors the internal HT power supply for the tubes. If the amp is switched
from the Active to the Standby mode, the green LED slowly dims indicating that the HT power
supply shuts down slowly. The SUPERNOVA remains (partly) operational until the LED is
completely off.