Install and uninstall – KOCASO M762 User Manual
Page 11

Wifi network
Install and Uninstall
Install from memory card or USB drive
Please go to APK Manager,
Select “Install” and then select the file
with the extension name .apk
in the memory card. Select “Install” to install
the software.
Install application from internet
You can use App Market to search any application you want, after
download finish it will automatic install
** Go t
on disktop to find more application for you Teblet**
After installation, you can run the software right away or run the
software on the subcategory interface.
If you want to uninstall the software from a third party, please go to
APK Manager, Select the software that you want to uninstall. You will see
the following options: run, extract, uninsta
ll and search. Click “uninstall” to
uninstall the software.