Shifting the projection lens vertically – BenQ PE8720 User Manual
Page 16

Positioning your projector
Installation for a 4:3 ratio screen
4:3 (standard) ratio screen dimension table:
The above numbers are approximate and may be slightly different from the actual measurements. Only the
recommended screen sizes are listed. If the your screen size is not in the table above, please contact your
BenQ dealer for assistance.
An examination of the table reveals that you can place the projector lens in the range from 2.44 to 10.32m
distance from the screen, which will give you a projected image from 50" (1.02 x 0.76m) to 200" (4.06 x 3.05m).
Shifting the projection lens vertically
The vertical lens shift control provides flexibility for installing your
projector. It allows the projector to be positioned above or below the
projected images’s vertical center.
The lens shift (offset) is expressed as a percentage of the projected image
height (25% in the example above). It is measured as an offset from the
projected image's vertical center. The PE8720 is equipped with + 120%
vertical lens shift. You can shift the projection lens upwards or downwards
within the allowable range depending on your desired image position. When the LENS button on the remote
control or LENS SHIFT buttons (c or d) on the projector is pressed, an adjustment bar displays on the screen.
To raise the projected image, press the Lens Shift c button on the projector or the c button
on the remote control.
To lower the projected image, press the Lens Shift d button on the projector or the d
button on the remote control
Image Height
Projection Distance
Center of the lens
Ceiling Installation
Projection Distance
Image Height
Center of the lens
Floor Installation
Screen Dimensions (inch / cm) Projection Distance (inch / cm)
Offset (inch / cm)
Min distance
(with max zoom)
Max distance
(with min zoom)
50 / 127
40 / 102
30 / 76
72 / 184
98 / 249
3.0 / 7.6
- 33.0 / -83.8
60 / 152
48 / 122
36 / 91
87 / 221
117 / 298
3.6 / 9.1
-39.6 / -100.6
70 / 178
56 / 142
42 / 107
102 / 258
137 / 348
4.2 / 10.7
-46.2 / -117.3
80 / 203
64 / 163
48 / 122
116 / 294
157 / 398
4.8 / 12.2
-52.8 / -134.1
90 / 229
72 / 183
54 / 137
130 / 331
176 / 448
5.4 / 13.7
-59.4 / -150.9
100 / 254
80 / 203
60 / 152
145 / 368
196 / 497
6.0 / 15.2
-66.0 / -167.6
110 / 279
88 / 224
66 / 168
159 / 405
215 / 547
6.6 / 16.8
-72.6 / -184.4
120 / 305
96 / 244
72 / 183
174 / 442
235 / 597
7.2 / 18.3
-79.2 / -201.2
130 / 325
104 / 264
78 / 198
188 / 478
254 / 646
7.8 / 19.8
-85.8 / -217.9
140 / 356
112 / 284
84 / 213
203 / 515
274 / 696
8.4 / 21.3
-92.4 / -234.7
150 / 381
120 / 305
90 / 229
217 / 552
294 / 746
9.0 / 22.9
-99.0 / -251.5
160 / 406
128 / 325
96 / 244
232 / 589
313 / 796
9.6 / 24.4
-105.6 / -268.2
170 / 432
136 / 345
102 / 259
247 / 626
333 / 845
10.2 / 25.9
-112.2 / -285.0
180 / 457
144 / 366
108 / 274
261 / 662
352 / 895
10.8 / 27.4
-118.8 / -301.8
190 / 483
152 / 386
114 / 290
275 / 699
372 / 945
11.4 / 29.0
-125.4 / -318.5
200 / 508
160 / 406
120 / 305
290 / 736
392 / 995
12.0 / 30.5
-132.0 / -335.3
250 / 635
200 / 508
150 / 381
362 / 920
489 / 1243
15.0 / 38.1
-165.0 / -419.1
300 / 762
239 / 610
180 / 457
435 / 1104
587 / 1492
18.0 / 45.7
-198.0 / -502.9
Lens Shift Page 16 Friday, May 13, 2005 5:19 PM