Contents 1. welcome 2. headset overview, How to wear, How to charge the battery 5. how to connect – Jabra ROX WIRELESS User Manual
Page 3: How to use, Support, Technical specifications
jabra rox WIrELESS
1. welCoMe .......................................... 4
2. heADseT oVerView ......................... 5
3. how To weAr .................................. 6
3.1 ChANGiNG eArGels
3.2 weAriNG The eArwiNGs
3.3 weAriNG The FiTCliP
3.4 how-To-weAr ViDeos
3.5 MAGNeTiC eArBUDs
4. how To ChArGe The BATTery ..... 10
5. how To CoNNeCT ...........................11
5.1 CoNNeCT wiTh A BlUeTooTh DeViCe
5.2 CoNNeCT wiTh AN NFC DeViCe
5.3 CoNNeCT MUlTiPle DeViCes
6. how To Use ...................................13
6.1 MUlTiPle CAll hANDliNG
6.2 lisT oF VoiCe GUiDANCe
7. sUPPorT ..........................................18