How to charge the battery 5. how to connect, How to use, Software – Jabra STEALTH User Manual
Page 3: Support, Technical specifications

jabra stealth
1. welCOMe .......................................... 4
2. heaDset OVeRVIew ......................... 5
3. hOw tO weaR .................................. 6
3.1 ChaNGe eaRGels
3.2 attaChING the eaRhOOk
4. hOw tO ChaRGe the BatteRy ....... 8
5. hOw tO CONNeCt ............................ 9
5.1 CONNeCt tO MOBIle DeVICe
5.2 CONNeCt tO MOBIle DeVICe (NFC)
6. hOw tO Use ...................................11
6.1 MUltIPle Call haNDlING
6.2 lIst OF VOICe GUIDaNCe
7. sOFtwaRe .......................................15
8. sUPPORt ..........................................16
See also other documents in the category Jabra Wireless Headsets:
- GO 6430 (43 pages)
- PURR JX20 (17 pages)
- AVAYA X-ONE GN1215 (2 pages)
- BT8040 (19 pages)
- FreeSpeak 250 (26 pages)
- Easyvoice OTE4 (14 pages)
- 6470 (3 pages)
- Bluetooth Headset (19 pages)
- GO 6470 (77 pages)
- GO 6470 (40 pages)
- REVC 81-00491 (31 pages)
- PRO 9400 (3 pages)
- Duo anD mono heaDset 2400 (15 pages)
- BT2035 (1 page)
- JX20 Pura (17 pages)
- HALO2 (13 pages)
- BT2090 (18 pages)
- PRO 9460 (80 pages)
- 6430 (2 pages)
- STREET BT3030 (1 page)
- BT2045 (13 pages)
- BT2045 (14 pages)
- GN2100 (7 pages)
- SP200 (2 pages)
- BT200 (87 pages)
- BTE4 (15 pages)
- A330 (2 pages)
- BT2046 (14 pages)
- BLUETOOTH BT2045 (1 page)
- MOTION (25 pages)
- WAVE (49 pages)
- WAVE (87 pages)
- TALK (14 pages)
- SUPREME (19 pages)
- EXTREME2 (17 pages)
- EASYGO (48 pages)
- CLEAR (14 pages)
- STONE3 (18 pages)
- Сlassic (17 pages)
- STYLE (15 pages)
- STORM (17 pages)
- MINI (18 pages)
- FREEWAY (21 pages)
- Cruiser (491 pages)