Welcome 2. headset overview, How to wear, How to charge – Jabra MOTION UC+ User Manual User Manual
Page 2: How to connect

1. welcoMe .......................................... 4
2. headset oVeRVIew ......................... 5
2.1 tRaVel & chaRge kIt
(JabRa MotIon Uc+ only)
2.2 JabRa lInk 360
3. how to weaR .................................. 7
3.1 heIght adJUstMent
3.2 left oR RIght eaR weaRIng style
3.3 eaRgel PosItIonIng
4. how to chaRge .............................. 9
4.1 chaRgIng UsIng the MIcRo-Usb cable
4.2 chaRgIng UsIng the wall chaRgeR
4.3 chaRgIng UsIng the tRaVel & chaRge kIt
4.4 batteRy statUs
5. how to connect ...........................11
5.1 connect wIth the JabRa lInk 360
5.2 Reconnect wIth the JabRa lInk 360
5.3 connect wIth a blUetooth deVIce
5.4 connect wIth an nfc deVIce
5.5 tRansfeR aUdIo between nfc deVIce and