GeoDesy FSO lightning protection requirements for FSO User Manual
Page 4

GeoDesy Kft.
Telefon: 06‐1‐481‐2050
H‐1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6‐8.
Fax.: 06‐1‐481‐2049
E‐mail: info@geodesy‐
Horváth Holding
Investment PLC.
This document contains informative details about FSO outdoor installation, all of its content is the property of
GeoDesy Kft. reproduction or distribution of this document is not allowed without the written confirmation of
GeoDesy Kft. In no event shall GeoDesy Kft. be liable for any loss or damage caused by any circumstances described in
this document.
Always refer to the local regulations and rules of outdoor installation. If you are in doubt ask local experts about how
to protect the FSO equipments from Lightning strikes.