0 introduction – General Machine Products 74540 Braked Drum Stand User Manual

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Founded by engineer George M. Pfundt in 1936, GMP started opera-
tions in a downtown Philadelphia building as a specialty machine
shop doing work for the local Bell Telephone company and for the
electric utility company. GMP expanded to a production shop after
landing a contract with Western
Electric Company and, subse-
quently, forming a close relation-
ship with Bell Telephone Labora-
tories in Murray Hill, N.J., which

enabled it to manufacture prototypes of products for experimen-
tal use within the Bell System.

Having outgrown the original factory building, the company built
a 100,000 square foot plant in Trevose, PA (a Philadelphia sub-
urb) and moved there in 1957. Today GMP is recognized as a
premier worldwide supplier of specialty tools and equipment for
the outside plant marketplace. The company's products are known for their robust design and dura-
bility to withstand many years of frequent use.