General Machine Products 89000 Cable Blowing Machine(Previous) User Manual

Page 20

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General Machine Products Co., Inc.

8. Unscrew the sub-duct clamp retaining bolts.

Refer to the Section 4 “SPECIFICATION” for
the correct pressure settings for the relief
valve and pressure switch and to Section 6

for the setting procedures.

NOTE: The cable blowing machine is sup-
plied as standard with the pressure relief
valve set at 1600 psi (110 Bar) and the
pressure switch set at 1450 psi (100 Bar),
these settings are suitable for cables in the range 12 - 32mm O.D.

For cables 6 - 12mm O.D. these settings need to be changed, refer to the section
4 “SPECIFICATION” for the correct pressure settings for the relief valve and
pressure switch and to section 6 “MAINTENANCE” for the pressure setting pro-

9. Open the sub-duct clamp on the pivot bolts,

select and fit the correct size cable seal, sub duct
seal and sub duct clamp collets for the cable and
sub duct being used. (Refer to Tornado configu-
ration guide on page 58). Always check and
verify the correct size collets are fitted before
operating the blowing machine.

10. Place the sub-duct into the sub-duct seal collet

and sub-duct clamp collet. Ensure the sub-duct is
fully engaged into the sub-duct seal collet.

11. Clamp the sub-duct and tighten the two retaining
nuts. Remove the upper cable collet.