Fuelab 42401 Prodigy Fuel Pump High Pressure EFI In-Line User Manual

Operating and installation instructions, Warning, Electronic fuel pump

background image

of fuel pump only after a complete plan is established to help avoid fuel system component failure, costly rework,

110020273-1, Rev C Page 1 of 6

Electronic Fuel Pump

Operating and Installation Instructions

This Product is Patent Pending. Application available upon request

and excessive installation time.

Model Number 42401-c (-sp)


Supplies have not shown to be a problem with normal operation, however testing has not been

reducing input power voltage may result in erratic or non-operational condition. Electronic Power

system or vehicles using 16 Volt (8 cell lead acid battery). Pulse-Width Modulation or other means of

extra precautions must be adhered to as contained in instructions herein.

This fuel pump utilizes an electronic DC motor system that is not typical of conventional fuel pumps, and therefore

safety procedures should perform the installation of this product.

and general vehicle systems modification. Only a qualified technician or mechanic who is aware of applicable

This product is to be installed only by persons knowledgeable in the repair and modification of vehicle fuel systems

procedures. Proper eye and personal protection is required at all times during installation.

removal of all fuel and ventilation of vapors in vehicle and fuel system is recommended when performing such



serious injury or death. Grinding, cutting, and drilling must be performed with care to prevent ignition. Draining and

smoking or other sources of ignition are to be present during installation, to prevent fire or explosion that can cause

sale or use on emission controlled motor vehicles; consult local, state and national laws.

This product is intended for racing, off-road, or marine use only. This fuel system component may not be legal for

pressure. Consult an applicable service manual for instructions to relieve fuel system pressure safely.

The Vehicle’s fuel system may be under pressure! Do not loosen any fuel connections until relieving all fuel system

for replacement.

Product Contents:

42401-c (-sp) Features and Performance Ratings:

box. Contact your Fuelab distributor immediately

Port Sizes

Rated Flow Rate

Maximum Pressure

Operating Voltage

-10AN Military Port

Inlet and Outlet

(640 LPH @ 3 Bar)

125 PSI (8.5 Bar)

8-18 Volts

170 GPH @ 45 PSI, 13.5V

to ensure that no components are missing from

Check the diagram and list of components (right)

Perform the installation in a well ventilated location only to minimize the build up of fuel vapors. NO open flames,

pump on vehicles using 12 Volt (6 cell lead acid battery) with a normal operating alternator charging

Power Supply Voltage must be constant as specified in above specification. Only install fuel

means of fuel pump speed control.

Before Installation, Plan Entire Fuel System:

performed on all systems. Consult these instructions on using pulse width modulated frequencies for

A complete design plan of entire fuel system must be created for the specific application. These instructions are a
guide to help design this plan with respects to integrating this model of fuel pump only. Consult other sources of
information and manufacturers’ instructions for the various components of the fuel system. These instructions are
limited to general topics of fuel pump installation and may not include specific information pertaining to your specific
application. These instructions are written assuming the use of Multi-Point Electronic Fuel Injection using a
standard return (bypass) style fuel pressure regulator. This fuel pump may be integrated in some returnless EFI or
general carbureted systems. Visit our company website for specific details pertaining to example fuel systems and
other solution ideas. Additional information including advanced troubleshooting, any special alerts and FAQ’s
pertaining to this and other products is also available. A good design plan for the fuel system must contain
consideration for: Pressure and flow rate through various components, quality of components, operating
environment (temperature, vibration, shock, general exposure to elements) and local area laws. Begin installation


with Rubber

Fuel Pump

(2X) -910 O-rings


(2X) T-Bolt Style
Mounting Brackets

(3X) 8-32 Nuts
with Washers