Disney Interactive Studios Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals NTR-YV4E-USA User Manual

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Jeena is Rallen’s extremely intelligent and
resourceful partner on the NPP. She is an expert
at researching and analyzing data and provides
critical informational support for Rallen. Her
greatest skill is her keen ability to solve puzzles.
She’s always watching over her partner to make
sure he doesn’t ever find himself in too deep
during their adventures.


Aldous played a huge role in the previous
defense against the invading Krawl. He has the
ability to control some Spectrobes , but is unable
to manage the force of Evolved and Ultimate
Form Spectrobes. Originally from a distant star
system called Giorna , Aldous is now helping the
research scientists of the Nanairo system in
their Spectrobe research.

Commander Grant

Commander Grant is the head of the NPP and
serves as the commander of the resistance
operation against the invading Krawl. He is a
peacekeeper within the Nanairo System and is
deeply trusted by his subordinates , including
Rallen and Jeena. He can be very stern , but also
displays a caring nature and level-headedness
that earns him a great deal of respect.

Rallen and Jeena , your mission is to use your special abilities to
preserve the Nanairo System from the Krawl onslaught. Pilot your
patrol cruiser and search for Spectrobe fossils to excavate and
awaken. Summon Child Spectrobes to aid you in the search. Raise
your Spectrobes to defend Nanairo from the invasion of the
atrocious Krawl.