Comelit FT SK9011 User Manual
Page 4

FT SK9011
The SK9011 unit is a stand-alone radio frequency control unit which is used to manage
radio transmitters SK9061 and SK9062. It is used to control access to a door fitted with
an electronic lock or an automatic device.
It is supplied ready for use. It is initialised at the time of registration of the first
transmitter programmed using the SIMPLEKEY ADVANCED software on the unused
unit. The other transmitters are then saved automatically in the memory when they are
first swiped.
It has a 32 bit Wiegand output which is also used to connect to any type of access
control unit using this protocol. The radio transmitters are then used as a reader and
managed on the unit.
Layout of the electronic card
The card is made up of:
- a switch used to access programming
- two push buttons used to modify the parameters
- two LEDs that show the statuses of the unit
- of connection terminals
- a firmware update connector
Description of terminals:
1-2 :
Power supply 12 Vdc
RTE button (with terminal 2)
C/NC/NO relay output
RS485 communication
9-10-11: Wiegand output
12 :
It is necessary to use a separate Power Supply for the Electric Lock
The PVC casing of the unit has double-sided adhesive for rapid fixing as well as two
screw holes. It must be firmly fixed in order to avoid short circuits. The cables must also
be supported.
Normal working of the unit
When the unit is in normal Operating Mode, the Red LED on the electronic card
flashes. If the unit is not working properly, this LED stops flashing.
In this case, turn the power OFF and then ON again. If this does not work, please
contact our after sales service department.
The green led confirms that the power is on.
The S2 switch is used to toggle between programming modes
S2 in position “0”
→Operating mode
S2 in position “ON”
→Programming mode
Note: In programming mode the LED1 is fixed red, and in operating mode it is flashing
red. When toggled from one mode to the other, the unit emits a double beep.
You must go back to operating mode for the unit to manage access
Setting the opening timer
To do this, place the S2 switch in the “programming mode” position. Press the push
button S3 as many times as is needed for the unit to emit the number of beeps which
correspond to the required number of seconds (e.g.: 25 beeps = 25 seconds). Put the
S2 switch back to the “operating mode” position.
The minimum timing setting is 1 second.
The maximum timing setting is 99 seconds.
The unit is supplied with a 2 second opening time set by the factory.
Transmitter Management
The transmitters must be programmed using the SIMPLEKEY ADVANCED software
contained in the SK9091 kit so that they can work on the SK9011 unit.
Refer to the software programming instructions.
The SK9011 unit is supplied blank and must be initialised. To do this, you just have to
plug it in, turn it on and press one of the push buttons on one of the programmed
transmitters. The unit will remain in PRG mode for a few seconds (Beeping for 10
seconds), because the unit is recording the Building Code of the transmitter.
Once back to normal Operating Mode, all transmitters of the same Building will open
the door without any further programming and their parameters will be stored
automatically as they are first used.
The transmitters have 3 channels: the first two correspond to the two push buttons and
the third is obtained by pressing the two push buttons at the same time.
Multi-Building Programming
Typically in a situation with Main and Secondary entrances, for the Main entrance
Receiver it is possible to program and authorise transmitters from several Buildings
(Max 30). To do this we simply have to program, one after the other, transmitters from
different Buildings, while the unit is in PRG mode for Installation.
This way the unit will be programmed with more Building Codes and all transmitters of
those Buildings can open the door.
2. Adding a transmitter
To add a transmitter later, you just have to programme it into the SIMPLEKEY software.
Its parameters will be recorded automatically at the first use.
3. Replacing a transmitter
To delete a transmitter, you just have to select its location in the SIMPLEKEY software
and re-programme a new transmitter. Its parameters will automatically replace the old
one when it is first used.
Modifying a transmitter’s parameters
To modify a transmitter’s parameters, you just have to select it from the SIMPLEKEY
software and re-programme it. Its parameters will be updated automatically when it is
first used.
5. Complete reset
Place S2 in programming mode (LED1 = fixed red)
Keep S1 pressed down for 15 seconds, LED1 will go out. When LED1 comes back on