Т³гж 4 – chiliGREEN Neo3 User Manual
Page 4

NO.3.3 Install the Driver program
Please use the CD attached with the machine to operate in accordance with the
CD operation interface.
Option 1: Computer-specific driver.
Option 2: Application Software.
Choose the driver program you need and operate according to the screen
instruction. System will install the driver program automatically; during the
process, the system may restart.
PXE OPROM: network card start switch.
Sata Controller Mode Option: set the HDD working mode.
If install the Windows XP, need disabled AHCI.
AHCI Enable: it is effective when HDD working mode is set as Enable;
The Enabled/Disabled is optional.
Security menu:
Security menu: the security setting to enter the system.
Supervisor password is: to display whether has settings when entering
the Setup utility; if has setting, it will display Set, if doesn't have setting,
it display Clear.
User password is: to display whether has settings when entering the
Setup utility; if has setting, it will display Set, if doesn't have setting,
it display Clear.
Set User Password: set the password to enter Setup utility.
Set supervisor Password: set the password to enter Setup utility,
authority higher than User password.
Password on boot: the need to set startup password.
Set Harddisk Password: set the password to enter HDD.
: P
lease remember the password you set, otherwise it will
cause inconvenience for you.
Exit menu:
exit the BIOS Setup after completed the relevant setup.
Exit Saving Changes
store the value and exit.
Exit Discarding Changes: without storing the value and exit.
Load Setup Defaults restore the factory value.
Discard Changes: discard this setting, and return to the last setting.
Save Changes
save the setting.