Bakers Pride GP-61 Manual User Manual
Page 7

(a) Light the Main Burner following the instructions in Section 7A of the Installation Instructions.
It is important to break-in, to dry out the deck and the insulation, before baking in a new oven:
(a) Allow the oven to warm to 300°F(150°C) for 5 hours or at least till all the smoke and fumes have
disappeared. The smoke and fumes are from the moisture in the deck and insulation and a light coat
of oil.
(b) Set the thermostat at least 50°F (10°C) lower than your baking temperature.
(c) Pre-heat the oven for 1 to 1½ hours before use.
(d) After pre-heating, raise the temperature to your baking temperature.
(e) Experiment baking until you get the feel of the oven and the speed of the bake.
Pizza can be baked on the deck, on a screen or in a pan. When you determine the combination of
method, ingredients and temperature that gives the right bake for your crust, sauce and cheese
combination and your customer's taste, mark and keep it.
Deck baking refers to baking Pizza directly on the deck. Generally it is a thin product that requires
temperature of at least 550°F (290°C).
Screen baking refers to baking Pizza on a screen. The screen lifts the Pizza off the deck. The screen
may be removed near the end of the bake time to give the bottom of the Pizza crispier crust and a
darker color. Bake temperatures range from 500°F (260°C) to 550°F (290°C).
Pan baking refers to baking Pizza in pans. Crusts can be thick or thin and toppings range from light
to heavy. Bake temperatures for pan baking range from 450°F (235°C) to 500°F (260°C).
It is very important that at the end of day's operation, the gas cock dial of the Main Burner is
turned to the pilot position, leaving only the pilot burner 'ON' overnight.
(a) Turn the gas cock dial of the main burner to the 'ON' position.
(b) Preheat the oven for 1 to 1 ½ hours at 50°F (10°C) lower than your baking temperature.
(a) When ready to bake, raise the thermostat setting to your baking temperature.
(a) If the oven is up to Pizza baking temperature and has not been used for a while, there is a tendency
for the baking deck to get hotter. In this condition, when you put in one Pizza, TURN THE
THERMOSTAT UP, so that the main burner flame is burning at it's fullest, providing the extra heat
needed to balance the bottom heat. The thermostat should be turned down back to the normal
setting as soon as you have baked the Pizza.
(b) Top section takes longer to bake as compared to the bottom section. Allow 1 to 2 minutes extra bake
time for the items placed there.
(c) Frequently scrape and brush off decks to remove burnt residue which can cause an “off” flavor and
bake times to increase.
(d) Heavily topped Pizza or Pan Pizza requires lower bake temperatures and longer bake times as
compared to a regular thin Pizza with light toppings.
(e) Bubbles in fresh dough indicate under proofed or cold product. Allow the dough balls to proof to
double in size and warm temperature before baking.
(f) Any type of Pan or Screen may be used in this oven. When choosing pans, be sure to pick a pan
which is closest in height of your product. Dark color pans and screens transfer heat better than
light colored aluminum pans or screens. They must be seasoned before use.