APG VBL Vibrating Switch user manual User Manual
Page 15

Rev. A2, 9/09
VBL Series
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • www.apgsensors.com • [email protected]
Adjusting the detecting sensitivity
• Prepare the following equipment:
- 0 ~ 10 V AC range tester. (In case of voltmeter, input resistive more than
- Small-sized slotted blade screw driver.
• Clean up the vibration pipe. While adjusting, make sure the measuring
materials are not contacting the vibration rod. If it contacts, exact
adjustment will be impossible.
• Turn on the power supply if it is not on.
• Wait for 5 seconds.
• Set the sensitivity setting switch to AJ (middle point).
• Plug in the positive reed to positive (red) meter test point and negative reed
to negative (black) meter test point. Adjust the tester to voltage range
which can detect the direct current 0 ~ 10 V every 0.5 V.
- Super-high sensitivity for highly fluidized powders. Adjust the check
terminal voltage to 4.5 ~ 5.5 V by sensitivity setting volume. Set the
sensitivity switch to H (high sensitivity range).
- High sensitivity for fine powders. Adjust the check terminal voltage to
2 ~ 3 V by sensitivity setting to L (ordinary sensitivity range).
- Low sensitivity for sticky and build-up material. Adjust the check terminal
voltage to 4.5 ~ 5.5 V by sensitivity setting volume. Set the sensitivity
switch to L (ordinary sensitivity range).
Consult APG for repair or replacement in case of indicating the incorrect