Allen&Heath PL-9 User Manual
Pl-9 hub for pl-anet, Ap5271, User guide

PL-9 User Guide AP5271 issue 1
The PL-9 is a 7 way PL-Anet hub which extends the
capabilities of the Allen & Heath PL Series of wall plates and remote
controllers. It can address up to 15 PL devices per branch up to a system
maximum of 24 depending on the type of devices and distances involved.
It has a built-in mains power supply to boost the PL-Anet 20V fed down
each cable to power the devices. This means that larger systems can be
created and connected over longer distances. It can also simplify and
reduce the wiring required by allowing a ‘star point’ connection scheme.
In smaller systems the PL-9 can allow individual devices to be connected
independently to the iDR audio processor using single cables rather than
being chained together.
A This example shows several PL devices daisy chained in the normal
way through the installation. A maximum of 15 devices may be connected
on the single PL-Anet feed dependent on their type and distances involved.
B This example shows the addition of the PL-9 hub which simplifies the
cable routing by providing direct feeds to three chains. It also provides
more power and addressing allowing more than 15 devices to be
connected. Further PL devices may be added using the other branches.
C This example shows PL fader controllers each with their own
connection. Each may be plugged and unplugged without affecting the
other. Up to 7 devices could be independently connected in this way.
Panel Layouts
1 Removable rack ears for 19” rack or desk top operation.
2 Individual branch status indicators light to indicate that 20V power is
available over PL-Anet. Each branch is protected against installation faults
with a resettable fuse. The indicator turns off if the fuse has tripped.
Remove the fault and power down for 1 minute to reset the fuse.
3 Power and Communication status indicators. POWER lights when the
unit is turned on. CHAIN IN lights when the iDR or previous PL device is
ready to communicate. CHAIN OUT lights when the PL-9 is ready to
communicate with its connected PL devices.
4 Mains power input with ON/OFF switch, IEC connector and fuse. Heed
the warnings printed in this guide and on the rear panel.
5 PL-Anet input RJ45 socket. Connects to the end of the PL-Anet chain
from the iDR unit.
6 7x PL-Anet output branch RJ45 sockets A to G.
PL-9 Hub for PL-Anet
User Guide
PL-Anet is the proprietary Allen & Heath
system for daisy chaining remote
controllers. It is an RS485 serial connection
that uses CAT5 STP cable to communicate
between devices over long distances. PL-
Anet only works with Allen & Heath PL
devices. The port provides +20V DC to
power the connected devices.