Allen&Heath 21 Series User Manual

Page 12

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Objective: To preserve the quality of the original sound.

Assisted by:

Level controls, gain controls, mixer meters, peak indicators, tape

meters and tape.

Level control - Operator control changing the signal level between

sections of a console system, often a passive

device (fader, pot).

Gain control -

Operator control changing the shift in signal

level between the input and output of an

amplifier in one section of a console system.

It is said that a monkey with a typewriter would generate the works

of Shakespeare given enough paper and new machines in




How long would it take him to mix "I am not in love'?

Those of you with time to spare may like to consider whether an

automation system would increase or decrease the time taken.


to know your equipment and its capabilities and limitations.

Particularly important in console systems are gain and level

controls used in conjunction with level indicators. There is

no way known to beat the physical constraints of thermionic

noise and maximum output level within audio amplifier systems

but intelligent use of gain and level controls gets acceptable,

even excellent results from modest equipment.

Allen and Heath

consoles have more than the minimum number of controls essential

between microphone and tape since this allows presentation of

the original sound quality for a wider variety of sound sources

having different signal amplitutudes.

Signal dynamic range:

The difference in signal level between

the loudest and the quietest sections of a


System dynamic range: The difference in signal level between the

loudest and quietest signals that can be

faithfully reproduced or transmitted by an

audio amplifier system.

The worst that can happen:

Start with a piece of programme to be mixed and recorded and


things may happen to reduce the quality of original sound: