Bowers & Wilkins CT800 User Manual
Page 9

Safety Warning!
A CT800 system is capable of producing very high sound pressure levels. Prolonged exposure to high sound levels
can lead first to temporary and later permanent hearing damage. Do not exceed recommended Leq (equivalent
sound level) exposure levels, for example, those specified in ISO 1999:1990.
Check the contents against Figure 1
Planning the installation
Because of the built-in nature of the installation, the planning stage is of the utmost importance. Any need to adjust
speaker position, for example, is a much more involved process than with free-standing speakers. Care must also
be taken to construct proper support for the speakers. It is all too easy to induce the panels of custom furniture to
vibrate and colour the sound unless precautions are taken to prevent it.
Speaker Position
Figures 2 to 4 show the recommended locations in plan view for the main speakers in 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 channel
installations. Some dimensions are marked ~, indicating that there is some latitude allowed each side of the figure,
and some have a recommended range for optimum results. Subwoofers should be placed close to the main
speakers to which they are assigned.
For successful operation of the surround speaker, CT8 DS, in dipole mode, it is important that all listeners sit within
the speaker’s null zone. This is the 60
wide zone of low direct sound level created by the opposing polarity drivers
on each side. You will notice from figures 3 and 4 that for 6.1 and 7.1 systems, the side speakers are shown in
line with the centre of the listening area. This is suitable regardless of whether these speakers are used in dipole
or monopole mode. However, for 5.1 systems, the two surround speakers should be placed somewhat behind
the listeners for effective results in monopole mode, or if you wish to switch between monopole and dipole modes
for different types of programme. If you only ever intend to use them in dipole mode, the two surround speakers
should revert to the in-line position. Please read the discussion on surround modes in the next section for a clearer
understanding of the benefits of each type.
For larger audience sizes, a more even coverage of the surround sound field may be obtained if the surround
speakers are elevated above ear height, as in a commercial cinema. In that case, the speakers may be raised so
that the midrange/tweeter array is approximately 60cm (2 ft) above seated ear height.
For correct operation of the CT8 DS in dipole mode, it is important not to obstruct the side firing drivers. The speaker
should be mounted with at least the front portion containing the side-firing drivers protruding into the room and any
customised covering should be acoustically transparent.
Planning the installation
Figure 1
Figure font: Helv 45, 7pt
Figure spacing: 7 x 7 mm
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 6