Ec safety data sheet – Eppendorf BioSpectrometer Test filter set - Holmium User Manual

Page 2

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Status: 28.02.2011

Trade name: BioSpectrometer Test filter set - Holmium

Product no.: 6135931070-00

Version: 1.0.0 / GB

EC safety data sheet

page 2(4)

After ingestion

Seek medical advice immediately. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person.


Fire-fighting measures

Suitable extinguishing media

Foam; Carbon dioxide; extinguishing powder; Water spray jet

Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, combustion products, resulting

In the event of fire, the following can be released: Carbon dioxide (CO2); Carbon monoxide (CO)

Special protective equipment for fire-fighters

Use self-contained breathing apparatus. Wear protective clothing.


Accidental release measures

Personal precautions

Refer to protective measures listed in sections 7 and 8. Ensure adequate ventilation.

Environmental precautions

Do not discharge into the drains/surface waters/groundwater.

Methods for cleaning up/taking up

Scoop-up mechanically. When picked up, treat material as prescribed under heading "Disposal considerations".


Handling and storage


Advice on safe handling

No special measures necessary if stored and handled as prescribed. Service temperature: ambient temperature
All standards may be stored without hesitation at a temperature range of +0. °C to +45 °C. However, one should
wait until the standard is adapted to the ambient temperature conditions at which it is going to be used (approx.
+20 - +22 °C) before measuring.

Advice on protection against fire and explosion

No special measures necessary.


Requirements for storage rooms and vessels

Keep the product in the original packing.

Advice on storage assembly

None known

Further information on storage conditions

Keep container tightly closed and dry in a cool, well-ventilated place. Keep from freezing.

Recommended storage temperature



- 45

° C


Exposure controls / personal protection

Exposure limit values


Exposure controls

Personal protective equipment

Respiratory protection

No special measures required.