Bodum Electric Hot Pot User Manual
There’s no business like show business

Finally a brewing process you can see right through.
Well, if you were awake you could. While you
are still dozing peacefully in your cozy bed,
Santos is slaving away in the kitchen.
This new coffeemaker is the high-tech
version of the vacuum brewer that created
a sensation
when it arrived in the
fifties. Along with everything else
that Santos learned since the fifties,
one of the first things you’ll appreciate is this:
it’s now got a programmable timer. So while
your thoughts slowly float up from the nebulous
depths, the smell of the best freshly brewed
coffee will take you by your nose, tickle your
taste buds and steer you out of
your sheets and
straight into the
kitchen. By now
the Santos has
brewed any-
where from 6 to
12 cups of coffee,
however many you’ve told it to make
the night before. The water in the pot will have
been heated by an electric-powered, thickfilmed, stainless heating
element, and the evaporating steam will have generated the
pressure for the water to rise to the funnel and through the funnel
tube, where it will have met the ground coffee beans. After four
minutes of brewing away in the ideal temperature of 201°, the heating
element will have switched off and the vacuum in the jug will have
sucked the liquid coffee down through the filter. That’s where you
come in. Well, hopefully. And if you don’t – don’t worry. Santos
keeps your coffee warm for up to two hours. And while you
enjoy the very rich and full-bodied aroma of
your morning coffee you’ll understand
why the American Coffee Association
has declared the new Santos «The
Best Brewing Equipment of
the Year» – it is
indeed, morning
after morning, the most perfect cup
of coffee you ever tasted. Instead of
staring at the milk carton, by the way,
you might as
well think about
how well you relate to Bodum’s
philosophy: good design doesn’t have
to be expensive. Well, just a
suggestion. And here’s
even more food for
thought: the new
Santos now comes
in two sizes: a 55
oz./12 cup model and a 25 oz./6
cup model (no timer, no warm-
keeping element). Both sizes
come in a see-through blue, orange
or clear version. Oh, and you can
also get the smaller model in see-
through gray. And hey, you might as well
get up five minutes early tomorrow
morning and see Santos at work.
Fabulous looks deserve to be wat-
ched. Oh, come on, it’s only one
single morning and it will be so
much fun to watch the spectacle.
You can do it.
There’s no business like
show business