Misch 4x4 Products JK Dash Top Tray User Manual

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T he JK Dash Top Accessory Tray can be m ounted to the center top section of the dash by using
the supplied “hook” and “loop” fasteners or nylon snap rivets. See the following instructions:

For m ounting w ith “hook” and “loop” fasteners:

W ith the supplied alcohol pad, clean the two rectangular sections on the bottom of the tray. Also
clean the top center section of the dash. Rem ove the protective barriers on the “loop” pieces.
Affix the “loop” pieces to the cleaned rectangular sections on the bottom of the tray. Rem ove the
protective barriers from the “hook” pieces. Now position the tray where you want it to be on the
center top section of the dash. Press down firm ly on the tray in the approxim ate areas where the
“hook” and “loop” pieces are located to affix the tray to the dash.

For m ounting w ith nylon snap rivets:

Rem ove the center top section of the dash by placing a sm all blade screw driver under the front
corners of the section (corners closest to the windshield) and prying it up. The section should
com e loose and can be rem oved. To rem ove this section you m ust disconnect the wire going to
the com pass sensor. The wire is attached to the com pass sensor by a quick-disconnect coupling.
Once the center section is rem oved from the vehicle place the tray on the dash top section where
you want it and m ark the dash top section by pushing an awl or sm all nail through the two dim ples
in the tray itself. Once the dash top section is m arked, drill a hole using an 11/64” diam eter drill bit.
Use the nylon snap rivets to secure the tray to the dash top by placing the rivets in the holes and
pressing the sm ooth, oversized heads down against the tray. The specially designed legs expand
and firm ly lock the com ponents perm anently in place.

To reinstall the center top section of the dash, reconnect the quick-disconnect coupling to
com pass sensor. Slide the center top section over the front lip of the top of the dash. Now push
the center top section back as far as possible and push down on the corners closest to the
windshield until they lock into place.