Apple iSight User Manual

Page 20

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Using iSight


Click the camera icon next to a buddy in your Buddy List.

A preview image appears so you can see how you look onscreen. iSight focuses


When your friend accepts your invitation, you see him or her onscreen. Your friend

can see and hear you, and if he has a microphone, you can hear him, too.


The person you’re chatting with can get the best view of your face if you position

the video chat window close to the camera, so you’re looking in the direction of iSight

when you look at the chat window.


For information on adding people to your Buddy List, choose Help > iChat Help.

Camera icon indicates
the user can video chat

Click the Add button to add
a buddy to your list

Phone icon indicates
the user can voice chat Page 20 Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:39 PM