Select Increments Mod-Pod User Manual

Some facts about car audio, Mod pod installation, Cj and yj install recommendations

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Some facts about Car Audio

1) Your radio is absolutely the most important component in your audio system! Speakers and amplifiers can only replicate the

signal they receive; if you have an ‘average’ or factory radio, then the quality of sound coming from your speakers will be greatly
compromised. Using a radio with pre-amp outputs (RCA’s) of 4 volts or more will send a super-clean signal to your amplifier(s)
and speakers.

2) No matter what radio you have, they all produce a better signal with a higher dB when playing a CD. The exact same song played

on FM simply won’t sound as good or ‘get as loud’ because the radio is pulling the signal in from the radio station versus
producing it internally when playing the song on CD.

3) If you do have an amplifier(s), you should try to make the ground wire as short as possible. The seat bolts make for good points

to attach your ground wires to the vehicle. Use a ring terminal but make sure that the terminal is coming in contact with bare
metal. You may want to scrape some paint away under the bolt for the ring terminal to rest on to ensure a great ground. You
should also run the ground wire for your radio to the exact same bolt to reduce ground loops and alternator whine Noise in the
speakers when you hit the gas).

Mod Pod Installation:

The poly-fil included in each pod should be fluffed up prior to installing the speakers for the best sound. Make sure there’s no
debris in each pod, as it could compromise sound quality. Armor-All® or equivalent can help give the pods a darker black,
glossy look.

Make sure to plug the remaining air space around the wires at the grommet holes with wax, glue gun, etc. to avoid any ‘whistling
noise’ caused by allowing air to escape from inside the pods. This will also make the speakers perform better.

For ’97-’06 TJ’s, you may need to remove excess seam foam from the factory where the pods install. Each Jeep is a little
different and some have more foam in the areas under the doors than others. Test fit the pods to see if they fit fine and rest flush
against the side wall and door channel.

For ’97-’06 TJ’s you will have to remove the wire guard on the driver’s side to install the driver’s side pod. You can take
measurements, cut the wire guard, and re-attach the remainder of it from the pod toward the rear of the vehicle.

You may have to cut the speaker holes larger for certain speakers if you purchased the pods empty.

If you’re using an amplifier, you probably know how you want to run the speakers. If you’re not, it’s suggested that you tap into
the dash speakers to run the pods. Your fader control will then adjust the dash and pods at the same time. The pod speakers will
be marked +/- but the dash wires can be confusing. Usually the darker wire with the stripe is the ground wire. You can attach
one of the dash speaker wires to the positive terminal on a 9 volt battery and when the speaker cone pushes outward, you have the
positive wire.

When you’ve run all the wires and are ready to affix the pods to the vehicle, only ’97-’06 TJ owners will use the pre-drilled screw
holes and should run the top screw in first when mounting a pod. CJ & YJ installs will not use the pre-drilled screw holes and the
holes should be plugged.

CJ and YJ install recommendations:

The pods can be attached to the sidewalls different ways. Using Locktite caulk is a great way, just put some on the back of the pod
and press it to the cleaned sidewall of the vehicle. You can also drill holes in the bottom of the pods and insert 3/8” t-nuts (available at
your local hardware store for pennies. Then, run 3/8” bolts that are 2” long through the t-nuts and as they begin to push into your
carpet and floor, the pod raises into position under the door channel. The pre-drilled screw holes will not be used and must be
plugged with wax, glue gun, etc. to seal the chambers and prevent any whistling noise.

Select Increments

(T) 610-345-9044
(F) 610-345-9045

email: [email protected]
