Beyond Icebox Flipscreen User Manual

Page 19

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Getting Started

Dial-Up Connectivity

To connect to a dial-up Internet provider, you will need to use a PCMCIA
modem card equipped with an RJ-11 phone jack.


The iCEBOX does not currently support any ISPs that require
downloading or installing software. At the time of the printing of
this manual, AOL is an example of an ISP that will not work with
the iCEBOX because of their download requirements, although
you can still retrieve AOL mail using the iCEBOX Internet browser.

To connect using a Dial-Up connection

Insert the modem card, with the card’s label facing toward the center of
the device, into the PCMCIA slot on the back of the iCEBOX.


Plug the analog telephone line into RJ-11 jack on the modem card.

Further configuration is required. See Configuring a Dial-Up Con-
on page 36.

Digital Versus Analog Phone Lines

Two types of phone lines are commonly available: analog and digital.
Most homes are wired with analog phone lines. Digital lines are usually
found in commercial and industrial sites. However, newer homes, apart-
ments, and condominiums may be prewired with high-speed digital phone

All modems, including that in a PCMCIA networking card, require an ana-
log phone line. Connecting a modem to a digital line will cause
permanent damage to the modem.

To determine which type of line you have, look at the phone line connec-
tor. An analog phone connector is terminated with 2 or 4 copper wires. A
digital connector is terminated with 6 or 8 copper wires. If you cannot
determine for certain which type of phone line you have, contact your
phone service provider.

If You Have a Digital Phone Line

In commercial buildings, apartment buildings, and condominiums, digital
phone lines usually come from a telephone switch or PBX located in the
building. These telephone switches will also support analog phone lines.
The telephone system administrator may be able to arrange for an analog
phone line to be brought to your location from the local telephone switch.


Do not connect the iCEBOX to a digital phone line.
Severe damage can occur to the iCEBOX.
